Welcome to Mrs. Mitchell’s Class!
I am excited to see school back in session. This year we have some new challenges and new stories will be exploring. We will also be diving right into our history and world geography. I hope you are as excited as I am!
6th Grade we will be starting with Gary Paulsen’s Hatchet.
If you want your own copy to highlight and write in then you may want to check Scholastic or Amazon.
This year’s motto:
Your attitude determines your direction!
Stay informed by clicking on the left side of the page to sign up for E-Notes. Signing up on my page will allow you to receive text and/or e-mail messages related to our 4th, 5th & 6th grade classes. Signing up on the RISD home page will allow you to receive text and/or e-mail messages related to the whole district. I suggest signing up for both.
Please feel free to call or e-mail me any time with any questions or concerns. Your child's education is a team effort involving the student, their parents/family, classroom teacher, support staff, school administration and even the local community.
Richards ISD, where Excellence is Expected!
We’ve added online access to our textbooks!
Your student’s username and password is their gmail address, and their password is RISD and their lunch number.
Example: lmitchell@richardsisd.net
All Reading K-8th: https://www.hmhco.com/one/login/
K-5th Social Studies http://https://www.savvasrealize.com/community/home
6th-8th Grade Math and 6th- 12th Social Studies http://my.hrw.com
K-8th Science and K-5th Math https://www-k6.thinkcentral.com/ePC/start.do
4-6th https://app.studiesweekly.com/online/
Other helpful websites:
If for some reason you cannot login in send me an email and I will send you their login information. lmitchell@richardsisd.net
3 composition books (no spirals)
1 package highlighters (at least 3 different colors)
72 - #2 pencils
1 handheld pencil sharpener
4 pink erasers
4 package pencil cap erasers
2 package dry erase EXPO markers (set of 5, black)
4 Plastic pocket folders with brads as follows (1 red, 1 yellow, 1 blue, 1 green)
3 boxes Kleenex
2 packages – 24 count colored pencils
2 bottles Elmer’s “Glue-All” glue
1 pair sharp Fiskars scissors
4 Large glue sticks
1 sketch book 12x9 (no spirals)
3 regular tip Black Sharpies
3 fine tip Black Sharpies
1 box washable skinny markers (8-10 count)
1 box gallon size ziplock baggies (4th grade only)
1 package wide ruled filler (notebook) paper (200 count)
1 - 2 inch 3 ring binder with clear outside pockets
Set of 8 dividers for 3 ring binder
1 pencil bag for binder
earpods or headphones (recommended)
mouse (if desired)
Homework Schedule:
Monday: ½ of list definitions including part of speech in ABC order.
Tuesday: other ½ of list definitions including part of speech in ABC order
Wednesday: Sentences with one synonym and one antonym of the spelling word.
Thursday: 6th Grade back of worksheet, 4/5 th will be given a crossword or other reinforcing page.
Tests on Friday, if homework is not turned in you will not be given a spelling test. Meaning, you will be given a zero.
Spelling Lists: